Just finished Ch. 4 and I have to say I'm hooked and will be awaiting the next release on pins and needles. I'm not much for writing, so my reviews are generally short. With that said I'll say hands down this is the best game of it's type I've ever played. You folks are doing an excellent job with this so far and I truly believe this will end up as a game all others are judged against.
I came here for the H-Scenes but I stayed for the Story.
Now, to review this a little bit. The game uses my favourite type of narrator: the nigh-omniscient first-person narrator. That puts the player at ease because the beginning of the game from the Players perspective is also the end of the story from the Protagonists perspective. The game does tell you that there's very few game-overs (if any) but that particular choice of narration is "show, don't tell" (which works a lot better imho)
What also stands out is how multi-dimensional the characters are and the fact that there's actual character development that respects the player's choices. The angry bitch won't remain the angry bitch for all eternity if you make the right choices - and the game shows (rather than tells) why the characters are the way they are, why they did what they did and why (in those moments) they couldn't help but be themselves - or whoever the player chose for them to be. Unexpectedly thoughtful and self-reflective for an Adult-Game.
The game pulls your heartstrings... in the best and worst ways. It will make you cry, it will make you laugh, it will make you angry, it will make you cringe and it will... excite you. It will find a way into your heart and remind you of itself even after you put it down (due to having reached the end of the currently available content). And while the game starts slow - with lots of exposition in the prologue - I would strongly recommend to stick with it and not skip anything as the later episodes revisit and expose more about a previous plot.
The last (and best) thing that stands out for me (and partially why I started playing it in the first place) is how sex and intimacy is done. The game is certainly ADULT... but it is far more than sex. The game does intimacy, sensuality and the full range from soft to hard intercourse in a way that I haven't seen in any other game.
The renders are beautiful to look at and while they may be slighly stylized, they are close enough to "realistic" to make you forget that they are rendered.
There's only one thing that annoys me. The game isn't available on Steam in my home-country due to the particular laws regarding adult games in my country... so I can't buy it over there.
Thank you for taking the time to write some thoughtful feedback. This isn't something a lot of people take the time to do on this platform, so when it happens we're grateful!
We're happy that you see the story-first approach we've taken for what it is. An unfortunate reality is that all adult games tend to get lumped together and our aim from the start was to do something a little different. We hope we continue to reward your investment in us with the upcoming chapters!
I agree. How one must wade through some pretty unintelligible garbage in other VNs, which really are just oure jolly fests, to finally come upon this (and a few others—notably Artemis, Being a DIK, Leap of Faith, College Kings, for example) entertaining AVN. Actually fun and mentally stimulating.
I note that you actually give each character their own voice, so each doesn’t sound like all the others. You spend time with character development, so good on you!
And re the intimacy: you allow build up, and you seem to take your time. Other developers could learn a thing or two about storytelling from you (assuming they would even care).
I will continue to look forward to your offerings, especially this story as it continues.
It can start painfully slow with a lot of expositions... but then Mallory shows up and it's all worth it. She's a sunrise, awesome job on everything about her. Still hoping Tara shows up again too, wow.
I paid $9 on top of what I paid $5 before. How do even download the 0.5 version? I clicked that but it prompted me to a We Transfer site which I have no clue how to navigate to download page.
WeTransfer should work fine, however I have updated the download links to Mega transfer if it's causing confusion.
That change is in effect now...Let me know if the download issue persists.
Also, you bring up a good point...My intent wasn't to have people pay whenever there's an update, and to be able to obtain the updates until the game is complete once purchased. I'll look at how to update the payment model to account for previous purchases while still making older chapters FTP.
EEYU, I can refund you your $9 once you've downloaded. Just message me.
Hey there i just wanted to suggest if u should do a poll or a vote on having the Skip,Qsave,Back,Prefs menu at the bottom for Chapter 4 because it will really help a lot :)
Just finished the latest update and oh my alot of work has been put into it really looking forward for Chapter 4, any most likely dates for it to release on ?.?!!
Chapter 4 is the mid-story checkpoint and it's a pretty big one. In general, we really try to stick to the 90 day update cycle, so following Aug 28 for Ch3, I'd guesstimate the end of November. Glad you enjoyed it!
I wish it was faster, but Kentyrr and I both have full time jobs, and most images take an hour or more to render on a dual RTX 3090 system. Considering the average chapter has 1300-1500 individual renders in it, it takes our development rig about 62 days of nonstop image cooking not counting any other development work. If we do a game after this one, we may opt for lower image quality so updates can be faster.
Do you guys have a release date for the next update? This game has been a lot of fun and I want to know when the next update will be. Thanks for making such a good vn
Just saw this game on fap nation and visited the developers patreon page and the way they have written their thoughts on what they are expecting for this game made me play. A beautiful story presented in a mature way. Can't wait for chapter 3
Soon! We were shooting for August 7th, but Kentyrr is moving homes, and it's taken a bigger bite out of our schedule than we hoped. Chapter is 85% done and we expect to launch in August for sure.
Ngl at first I thought this was just another incestral VN but I stand corrected, story is pretty good so far, renders are beautiful and the characters seem like actual people instead of sex dolls for the MC.. Keep up the good work man, looking forward to chapter 3
Great game so far.I must admit I like the litte crossover they did.. I finished Chasing Sunsets chapter 3 before playing Chapter 5 of Leap of Faith so I was confused when I saw the picture of Lexi and Alex but then in Chapter 5 of LoF they showed us from Alex perspective how she actually got the picture with lexi...was pretty cool, plus she had a conversation with the MC of LoF and he mentioned her brother, the MC of CSS, I think that was cool as well
I only bothered signing up to itch.io to encourage you.
It's totally the most enjoyable story I've encountered here by a considerable margin. I'll not be helping you on patreon (sorry, my bad!), but I look forward to buying, and recommending at length, your amazing game on Steam when you launch there as the best in class!
Word of mouth is our primary way of getting people to look at what we're doing, so we don't undervalue that by any means. If you aren't able to help us financially, anything that gets the word out is appreciated just as much. Reviews, star-ratings, and just telling your friends is a great way to help us out!
okay, so I know we only have the prologue and chapter 1, but here are my guesses at the story so far:
George said Mallory has some kind of connection to the family, right? And Alex said he feels like he knows her, but can’t figure out why. AND in Mallory’s backstory, we know her mom left her dad. Guess #1 is that Mallory is either another step-sibling or cousin or something like that.
Okay, so the parents were like, stupid rich. We know they kept in touch with Alex on his travels at least a little bit. We also know they have crazy connections, bc George had to get the US state dept to get Alex back in time for the funeral. Now, when we first find Alex abroad in Spain, he meets David when David saves him from getting scammed into some kind of shady situation. Pretty nice coincidence, eh? Guess #2 is that David was hired by the parents to make sure he didn’t get himself killed.
The writing on this is really well done, and the story really got me invested. I still had a few questions though, like if Jaye was pleading with Alex to come back, why didn’t he? Minor thing, I know, and it’s a game not Pride & Prejudice.
Anyway, these guesses are just fun. I think the dev is doing something right if they’ve got me writing fan theories on just 1 and a half episodes lol
Thanks for the kind words. Theorycrafting is always fun. The answers to most of your questions will be provided in the next chapter. As for "why didn't Alex come back," the subtext here is that Alex and Jaye have both found different methods of dealing with the elephant in the room: Alex avoids it entirely by running from it, and tries to cope through personally unrewarding womanizing, and...Jaye has her own strategy, which will also be explored in more depth in the next chapter.
cannot wait for the next installment. You clearly have a good grasp on storytelling in general, with the cliffhangers, callbacks, and dialogue here all being several steps above many of the VNs I’ve played. Kudos!
FUCK bro THIS IS SO FUCKING GOOOOD! the story is amazing and each of your action have consequences. they're not immediate but sooner or later effects the relationship long term which is something i have not seen yet in a while
I can't explain how involved I became with the story, hoping to continue the story compared to seeing any sex scenes. Additionally, you sly bastard for that cliffhanger now I'm anticipating for the next update.
WOW, WOW, WOOWWW !!! what a story with twist's and turn and some moments i never even seen coming it was a PURE PLEASURE to read, the story and the graphics was a AAA+++ rating and the cliff-hanger at the end was O. M. G. can not wait to see what going to happen when he gets back home !!! am going to slow read it again we see if there was any points i may have not taken in, i can say this on a huge personal level i have read well over 500 visual novels some O M G, so OK, and others pure rubbish BUT this one made it the 1st spot of my all time TOP 5 story's, and touched me in a way no other book has ever done, so much so its making me want to make a PAYPAL account to send you £'s for coffee to carry on this " MASTER PIECE " of writing and i can't wait to read the whole thing in 1 go even if it 24 to 48 hours straight with no brakes !!!
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Just finished Ch. 4 and I have to say I'm hooked and will be awaiting the next release on pins and needles. I'm not much for writing, so my reviews are generally short. With that said I'll say hands down this is the best game of it's type I've ever played. You folks are doing an excellent job with this so far and I truly believe this will end up as a game all others are judged against.
I came here for the H-Scenes but I stayed for the Story.
Now, to review this a little bit.
The game uses my favourite type of narrator: the nigh-omniscient first-person narrator. That puts the player at ease because the beginning of the game from the Players perspective is also the end of the story from the Protagonists perspective. The game does tell you that there's very few game-overs (if any) but that particular choice of narration is "show, don't tell" (which works a lot better imho)
What also stands out is how multi-dimensional the characters are and the fact that there's actual character development that respects the player's choices. The angry bitch won't remain the angry bitch for all eternity if you make the right choices - and the game shows (rather than tells) why the characters are the way they are, why they did what they did and why (in those moments) they couldn't help but be themselves - or whoever the player chose for them to be. Unexpectedly thoughtful and self-reflective for an Adult-Game.
The game pulls your heartstrings... in the best and worst ways. It will make you cry, it will make you laugh, it will make you angry, it will make you cringe and it will... excite you. It will find a way into your heart and remind you of itself even after you put it down (due to having reached the end of the currently available content). And while the game starts slow - with lots of exposition in the prologue - I would strongly recommend to stick with it and not skip anything as the later episodes revisit and expose more about a previous plot.
The last (and best) thing that stands out for me (and partially why I started playing it in the first place) is how sex and intimacy is done. The game is certainly ADULT... but it is far more than sex. The game does intimacy, sensuality and the full range from soft to hard intercourse in a way that I haven't seen in any other game.
The renders are beautiful to look at and while they may be slighly stylized, they are close enough to "realistic" to make you forget that they are rendered.
There's only one thing that annoys me. The game isn't available on Steam in my home-country due to the particular laws regarding adult games in my country... so I can't buy it over there.
Thank you for taking the time to write some thoughtful feedback. This isn't something a lot of people take the time to do on this platform, so when it happens we're grateful!
We're happy that you see the story-first approach we've taken for what it is. An unfortunate reality is that all adult games tend to get lumped together and our aim from the start was to do something a little different. We hope we continue to reward your investment in us with the upcoming chapters!
I agree. How one must wade through some pretty unintelligible garbage in other VNs, which really are just oure jolly fests, to finally come upon this (and a few others—notably Artemis, Being a DIK, Leap of Faith, College Kings, for example) entertaining AVN. Actually fun and mentally stimulating.
I note that you actually give each character their own voice, so each doesn’t sound like all the others. You spend time with character development, so good on you!
And re the intimacy: you allow build up, and you seem to take your time. Other developers could learn a thing or two about storytelling from you (assuming they would even care).
I will continue to look forward to your offerings, especially this story as it continues.
It can start painfully slow with a lot of expositions... but then Mallory shows up and it's all worth it. She's a sunrise, awesome job on everything about her. Still hoping Tara shows up again too, wow.
I paid $9 on top of what I paid $5 before. How do even download the 0.5 version? I clicked that but it prompted me to a We Transfer site which I have no clue how to navigate to download page.
WeTransfer should work fine, however I have updated the download links to Mega transfer if it's causing confusion.
That change is in effect now...Let me know if the download issue persists.
Also, you bring up a good point...My intent wasn't to have people pay whenever there's an update, and to be able to obtain the updates until the game is complete once purchased. I'll look at how to update the payment model to account for previous purchases while still making older chapters FTP.
EEYU, I can refund you your $9 once you've downloaded. Just message me.
It is fine. Feel like once this game is fully completed it is damn well worth at least $18 on Steam. Better than most of $25 VN games already.
Thanks Eeyu...Appreciate the support!
just finished chapter 4. can't wait for chapter 5.
brother can you please tell the estimated date when chapter 4 will release
btw gr8 work done by u guys
Chapter 4 release candidate is in the hands of beta testers now. We project release on 19/12/2021...Just a few days!
Paid $5 but I cant seem to download the v0.4 windows. I can download the mac version though. Does anyone know what is wrong with the windows link?
Same. Looks like it's been removed from Mega.
I'm terribly sorry about that...I've made sure the links are updated. Thanks for letting us know!
If you continue to have issues, let me know and I'll send you a direct link.
Thrilled to see the link fixed so fast. I'm still in the prologue, but you've created something amazing. I'm really enjoying this.
Hey there i just wanted to suggest if u should do a poll or a vote on having the Skip,Qsave,Back,Prefs menu at the bottom for Chapter 4 because it will really help a lot :)
You can summon that menu by pressing the Q key in game at any time.
Thank you 😀👍🏽
Just finished the latest update and oh my alot of work has been put into it really looking forward for Chapter 4, any most likely dates for it to release on ?.?!!
Chapter 4 is the mid-story checkpoint and it's a pretty big one. In general, we really try to stick to the 90 day update cycle, so following Aug 28 for Ch3, I'd guesstimate the end of November. Glad you enjoyed it!
damn thats far but i know it’s definitely worth it, I appreciate the reply 💯
I wish it was faster, but Kentyrr and I both have full time jobs, and most images take an hour or more to render on a dual RTX 3090 system. Considering the average chapter has 1300-1500 individual renders in it, it takes our development rig about 62 days of nonstop image cooking not counting any other development work. If we do a game after this one, we may opt for lower image quality so updates can be faster.
Totally understandable, good luck on everything
Why do I have a feeling that Mallory somehow will be the antagonist in this story ?
Probably because she has the most open questions around her. Most of those should be answered in Ch4. We'll see how you feel then!
can’t wait 👍
Do you guys have a release date for the next update? This game has been a lot of fun and I want to know when the next update will be. Thanks for making such a good vn
Latest devlog says they are hoping for it to be out before the end of August.
Just saw this game on fap nation and visited the developers patreon page and the way they have written their thoughts on what they are expecting for this game made me play. A beautiful story presented in a mature way. Can't wait for chapter 3
Soon! We were shooting for August 7th, but Kentyrr is moving homes, and it's taken a bigger bite out of our schedule than we hoped. Chapter is 85% done and we expect to launch in August for sure.
cant download it
I'll update the link right now...My apologies.
Ngl at first I thought this was just another incestral VN but I stand corrected, story is pretty good so far, renders are beautiful and the characters seem like actual people instead of sex dolls for the MC.. Keep up the good work man, looking forward to chapter 3
Working hard on Chapter 3. We are five weeks out from our last update and about 33% done with the next one. We'll make an update post soon!
Chapter 3 is mostly complete. Two major scenes and two minor scenes remain to be rendered.
We're looking to hit our 90 day goal or if we miss it, by no more than a week.
Great game so far.I must admit I like the litte crossover they did.. I finished Chasing Sunsets chapter 3 before playing Chapter 5 of Leap of Faith so I was confused when I saw the picture of Lexi and Alex but then in Chapter 5 of LoF they showed us from Alex perspective how she actually got the picture with lexi...was pretty cool, plus she had a conversation with the MC of LoF and he mentioned her brother, the MC of CSS, I think that was cool as well
Wow! Amazingly engaging experience/story StoneFoxStudios!
I only bothered signing up to itch.io to encourage you.
It's totally the most enjoyable story I've encountered here by a considerable margin. I'll not be helping you on patreon (sorry, my bad!), but I look forward to buying, and recommending at length, your amazing game on Steam when you launch there as the best in class!
Word of mouth is our primary way of getting people to look at what we're doing, so we don't undervalue that by any means. If you aren't able to help us financially, anything that gets the word out is appreciated just as much. Reviews, star-ratings, and just telling your friends is a great way to help us out!
My god I can't wait for the next update! What a story!!!
Just saw this mentioned in LoF discord the other day, and decided to give it a try. How glad I am that I did, this is absolute masterpiece!
I have to admit this is a great novel, A writing genius.
Can not wait for chapter 2
I am really impressed. I found myself caring for Jaye, Mallory and Alex.
Now I just want to know more, kudos on the storytelling, making me giggle at all the right times.
Ohhh and Airwolf is AWESOME!! :)
Glad you enjoyed it...We're deep into Chapter 2 now, and should be ready to announce a release date soon!
how long till chapter 2 comes out?
We're shooting for May 7. Barring any major bugs in regression testing.
Nice. Thanks.
we still up for may 7 right?
So far this is just excellent! Thank you for your hard working and I am looking forward to future updates!
okay, so I know we only have the prologue and chapter 1, but here are my guesses at the story so far:
George said Mallory has some kind of connection to the family, right? And Alex said he feels like he knows her, but can’t figure out why. AND in Mallory’s backstory, we know her mom left her dad. Guess #1 is that Mallory is either another step-sibling or cousin or something like that.
Okay, so the parents were like, stupid rich. We know they kept in touch with Alex on his travels at least a little bit. We also know they have crazy connections, bc George had to get the US state dept to get Alex back in time for the funeral. Now, when we first find Alex abroad in Spain, he meets David when David saves him from getting scammed into some kind of shady situation. Pretty nice coincidence, eh? Guess #2 is that David was hired by the parents to make sure he didn’t get himself killed.
The writing on this is really well done, and the story really got me invested. I still had a few questions though, like if Jaye was pleading with Alex to come back, why didn’t he? Minor thing, I know, and it’s a game not Pride & Prejudice.
Anyway, these guesses are just fun. I think the dev is doing something right if they’ve got me writing fan theories on just 1 and a half episodes lol
Thanks for the kind words. Theorycrafting is always fun. The answers to most of your questions will be provided in the next chapter. As for "why didn't Alex come back," the subtext here is that Alex and Jaye have both found different methods of dealing with the elephant in the room: Alex avoids it entirely by running from it, and tries to cope through personally unrewarding womanizing, and...Jaye has her own strategy, which will also be explored in more depth in the next chapter.
cannot wait for the next installment. You clearly have a good grasp on storytelling in general, with the cliffhangers, callbacks, and dialogue here all being several steps above many of the VNs I’ve played. Kudos!
FUCK bro THIS IS SO FUCKING GOOOOD! the story is amazing and each of your action have consequences. they're not immediate but sooner or later effects the relationship long term which is something i have not seen yet in a while
Really appreciate the feedback! Thank you!
This Game is Just Amazing .. could go down as the GOAT VN
Thank you for the kind words and encouragement!
Really appreciate the praise! We're passionate about the story too! Chapter 2 will be lit!
fkng roller coaster of emotions! damn GJ on story, didn't expect the tragic event, i guess that's the only way to make mc come back
Any news?
There is, in fact! Sorry for the long silence, but I posted a dev log update today.
Thanks :) im super hyped for more :D
This game is amazing.
I can't explain how involved I became with the story, hoping to continue the story compared to seeing any sex scenes. Additionally, you sly bastard for that cliffhanger now I'm anticipating for the next update.
Keep up the good work and hope it comes soon. :)
P.S. Hope to see more of David, man is a legend.
Thank you for the kind words! Chapter 1 is rendering now. You will see David again.
I have no words to describe, I just finished this prologue and i can't wait for the next installment.
the story is just amazing full of emotions, the illustration is perfect and the character development is on point.
keep up the good work, you have the potential man.
Really appreciate the feedback! We're working hard on the next update now.
WOW, WOW, WOOWWW !!! what a story with twist's and turn and some moments i never even seen coming it was a PURE PLEASURE to read, the story and the graphics was a AAA+++ rating and the cliff-hanger at the end was O. M. G. can not wait to see what going to happen when he gets back home !!! am going to slow read it again we see if there was any points i may have not taken in, i can say this on a huge personal level i have read well over 500 visual novels some O M G, so OK, and others pure rubbish BUT this one made it the 1st spot of my all time TOP 5 story's, and touched me in a way no other book has ever done, so much so its making me want to make a PAYPAL account to send you £'s for coffee to carry on this " MASTER PIECE " of writing and i can't wait to read the whole thing in 1 go even if it 24 to 48 hours straight with no brakes !!!
That's high praise, sir! Thank you for taking the time to provide feedback!
That's no problem !!! praise where praise is due and you went beyound the norm, keep it up !!!
What a great story, gripping and emotional, full of "what ifs". It really left me looking forward to future updates.
Thank you for taking the time to comment, Tibsie! Glad you liked what you've seen so far.
Here is the first hour or so of game play for Stone Fox Studios' adult visual novel "Chasing Sunsets."
Please consider supporting us on Patreon if you like our work!
Chapter 1 is currently in active development.
Keep up to date with our development on our Patreon site or Discord!